God uses ordinary people to carry out his extraordinary plan. – Unknown
God is not looking at your outward appearance, the way you dress or the way you walk or talk. As a matter of fact, we can see throughout scripture how God mostly chooses the “unworthy” to be used mightily by him. That includes the stutterer, the tax collector, the fisherman, the prisoner, the adulterer. God is looking for one thing and one thing only! That is your obedience to his Word.
Have you ever considered why Jesus considered Mary to be Jesus’ mother? What was so special about her? She would play one of the most significant roles in the life of his Son. There was nothing royal about her in the natural sense, yet God chose for her to carry the most royal Man ever in history!
Mary was not strong or royal or famous. But she was obedient and willing to do God’s will. When God was choosing the woman, who would carry his Son and would ultimately be his mother, he had to choose someone who knew his ways. Someone who believed him, who trusted him and someone who he trusted with the most precious thing to God – his Son. It had nothing to do with her capability – but whether she was trustworthy. Mary had a heart for God and lived her life according to the Word.
God is not worried about your social status, or your bank account or whether you have royal blood. He asks the question, can God trust you? Can God trust you with something precious to him? Are you pursuing the heart of the Father?
It’s not about what people see on our outside. It’s about what God our heavenly Abba Father, seen on our inside.
Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
Written by Dr Charisse le Roux