God wants to do something big in your life. Don’t cancel it out with a negative attitude. Negative words, doubt and unbelief tie the hands of God. When you’re positive, you’ll see blessings overtaking you, favour that you didn’t deserve. It’s not going to be the usual process – God is speeding things up. – Joel Osteen
The Lord wants to do a new thing in our lives. He will make a way where there doesn’t seem like any other way.
Through all our brokenness; diffi culty; suff ering and pain, God will bring forth new strength, beauty and inspiration to others. Will you allow him to? Let us not be ashamed of the scars and the broken places life has taken you through. Let us not get stuck on how things used to be.
He took Moses, a weak man unable to even speak well, and gave him the power to part the waters so Israel could walk across on the dry land. He empowered a normal man, Samson, to destroy thousands of his enemies singlehandedly. God takes great pleasure in empowering the ordinary to do the extraordinary.
Psalm 147:3
He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. You are not broken beyond repair, pick yourself up again, you will become a better person because of the struggle. Only God can mend a broken heart if you give him all the pieces. He was
willing to take on the brokenness of the world in exchange for us to be made free and whole again.
Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.