There’s nothing more calming in difficult moments than knowing there’s someone fighting with you. – Mother Teresa
The battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s. Wherever you feel like giving up or giving in, remember that your strength comes from the Lord. Whenever you’re down and out and can’t seem to pick yourself up, remember that your strength comes from the Lord. When you feel weak and overwhelmed, remember that your strength comes from the Lord.
There is temptation to throw in the towel when the enemy attacks and even if you don’t throw in the towel, the quiet depression can creep into your life and cause damage to you personally and to those around you.
Don’t you dare give up! God has amazing things in store for you. During the battle, the Lord will fight for you. During the trial the Lord will strengthen you. During the test, the Lord will encourage you. You shall be a conqueror; you are a part of a royal priesthood; you are the head and not the tail; you shall prevail in this life; you will defeat the enemy and you will inherit eternal life, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Recognize that your past behaviour has not cancelled God’s call on your life, if you would just get up and follow the word of the Lord. There is a well of water there in your desert, just keep praying for the Lord to show you the well and know that God has not forgotten you.
Don’t give up, give it to God, He will do something new in your life. Never stop trying and never try stopping.
Psalm 118:14
The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.