J. C. Whytock, editor for the Africa Survey Textbook Project, is lecturer at ARTS, Kampala; director and editor for Haddington House Trust, Prince Edward Island; and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He has served as a pastor, church planter, and theological missionary and is the former acting principal of Dumisani Theological Institute & Bible School, Eastern Cape, SA. His PhD is from the University of Wales, published as “An Educated Clergy” (Paternoster/Wipf & Stock); and was a contributor to A Companion to the Reformation in Scotland (Brill, 2022).
Nancy J. Whytock, administrator for the Africa Survey Textbook Project, and former librarian and academic skills tutor at Dumisani Theological Institute, Eastern Cape, SA. She is production editor for the Haddington House Journal. She has served at various African colleges as a tutor and librarian and as a facilitator for North-West University, SA. She has a BA in music and history, holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from Lincoln Christian University, Illinois, and is a graduate in Biblical studies of Ontario Theological Seminary (Tyndale University).